Lefler Singers and Select Choir

Lefler Singers

Lefler Singers will be starting on Monday August 22nd.  All interested students in grades 6 – 8 are welcome to join-no auditions are required, Lefler Singers will rehearse from 3:10pm – 4:00pm every Monday for the first quarter.

Lefler Select Choir

The Lefler Select Choir is an auditioned choir for 7th and 8th grade students.  Auditions will be August 18th & 19th.  Please sign up for your preferred audition time on the sign up sheet near Mrs. Oltman’s door. The Lefler Select Choir will still have the opportunity to sing with the Lefler Singers if they choose, but the select choir will offer more challenging literature in a group of singers with the desire to excel in a choir experience.

Auditions for Lefler Select Choir are on August 18 & 19 before school from 7:30 – 7:45 and after school from 3:10 – 3:45. (If these times do not work, students should contact Mrs. Oltman to find an alternate time for your audition.) The audition will consist of the singing of My Country Tis of Thee and determining the singing range of each singer.

Lefler Select Choir rehearsals will begin August 23rd and continue every Tuesday and Thursday morning that school is in session for the entire school year.

Link to the 2016-17 Lefler Select Choir Audition Form