Daily Bulletin 12-7-2023

LUNCH MENU: BBQ Chicken, Hamburger Pizza, Nacho Cheese Breaded Fish Wedges, Chickpea & Cauliflower Taco on a Flour Tortilla

*Today is an X day*

7th grade students of the week are Blue: Evan Gregory and Gold: Kash Stanczyk. Way to go Evan and Kash!

The Lion’s Den is open today after school for 7th and 8th graders.

Today is national Crossword Solvers Day! Solving crossword puzzles is a favorite pastime for people across the globe. In fact, it is so popular, people who solve or write crossword puzzles have their own name–cruciverbalists! Today, we want to celebrate all the cruciverbalists in the world, plus encourage everyone to find a crossword puzzle and become a solver, too!

Candy Cane Gram sales have begun! Cost is 25 cents for a full-sized candy cane and a note to be sent to a Lefler classmate or staff member during the last week of the semester. Purchase your Candy Cane Grams at lunch from the Student Council.

If you need hats, coats, gloves, or food bags, come to the counseling center and we’ll get you what you need!