Announcements 10/22/12



  • No winner from last week’s trivia!  The answer:  Crocodiles have no sweat glands, so they keep cool using their mouths to release heat.  In fact, they will often sleep with their mouth open to cool down.  Today’s trivia:  Omaha and Lincoln are the two largest cities in Nebraska.  What city comes in as number three with a population of just over 50,000?
  • Students:  This week begins the All School Musical event!  We will be having a read through of the musical Kokonut Island on Tuesday after school from 3:10 – 4:30.  Auditions for the musical will be held on Thursday and Friday from 3:10 – 4:30 each night.  You need only attend one night!  YOU MUST HAVE A SIGNED PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION FORM TURNED IN  PRIOR TO YOUR AUDITION.  Sign up for your audition day on the sign up on Mrs. Oltman’s door (A-1).
  • Tomorrow is Picture Re-take Day!  Re-take forms are available in the office.  You may only get your pictures taken for the following reasons: (1) you were absent on Picture Day or (2) there is an error w/ your picture package.  If you simply don’t like your pictures, you will have to pay for the re-takes. Please bring any purchased pictures back on Re-take Day.
  • 8TH grade girls’ basketball will practice today after school.
  • Attention any 6th through 8th grade boys who will be attending East high school and would like to play basketball.  East is hosting a Midnight Madness overnight basketball event next Friday, Oct. 26th.  If you are interested, pick up a flyer in the main office.