Lefler and Multi-Tiered Systems of Behavior Supports


Multi-Tiered Systems of Behavior Support at Lefler

MTSS-B is a positive approach to teaching school-wide expectations. Behavior expectations are taught, modeled, practiced, re-taught, and reinforced throughout the year. Current MTSS-B practices in place at Lefler include: Universal Expectations for all areas (ROAR), Lion CallROAR Club, and SAIG.

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    Lefler’s Tier 1 universal expectations for ALL students is called ROAR.  At Lefler all are expected to be Respectful, take Ownership, be Accepting, and be Responsible. All common areas of Lefler (hallways, playgrounds/outside, media center/computer labs, cafeteria, restrooms, office, auditorium) and classrooms have printed expectations regarding how students are to ROAR in that area.  
  • Each morning at Lefler starts with a short Homeroom period. Each teacher is assigned a small group of students who will start their day with that teacher. This gives each Lefler student the opportunity to begin each morning checking in with a teacher to help ensure that they are ready to learn the rest of their day.
  • ROAR Club is the student Tier 2 check in/check out program at Lefler.  The mission of ROAR Club is to increase positive learning opportunities with struggling students by strengthening their relationships with their teachers.   A student may be referred to ROAR club for many reasons.  The most common reasons include struggles with behavior, attendance, tardies, and/or an increased number of nurse visits.  When a student is in ROAR Club, teachers will give them intentional and specific feedback each class period about what they are doing well and how they can improve.
  • Social Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) are Tier 2 small groups that meet once a week during lunch for a total of 4 weeks.  The purpose of SAIG is to work on developing skills to help students be more successful at Lefler. There are three types of SAIG: Pro-Social, Problem-Solving, and Academic.
  • Function-Based Thinking (FBT) Goal Sheets are used when a student requires more Tier 2 behavior supports.  Student Goal Sheets are created using Function-Based Thinking (FBT).
  • When a student is utilizing a goal sheet for feedback they will also spend time either weekly or daily in our Transition Room. During the time they are in the Transition Room students will work with a teacher to learn and practice Boys Town Skills that they can utilize in the rest of their classes.
  • If a student continues to not be successful in classes due to behavior, a Tier 3 intervention that may be utilized is our Student Support Center. Students spend much of their day in the Student Support Center relearning and practicing Boys Town Skills and receiving academic instruction in a small group setting.
  • WRAP is a Tier 3 intervention that is designed with the student’s and family’s individual needs in mind. WRAP is collaborative, team-based, community-based, and outcome-focused.

MTSS-B in the Lefler Classroom
  • These systems allow teachers to:
    • Be consistent and respond to misbehavior each time they occur
    • Increase active supervision
    • Refocus or redirect students
    • Respond using a calm and professional tone and demeanor
    • Be specific and brief in what you want students to do instead by referring to posted classroom rules and procedures
  • When a student doesn’t respond to a teacher’s interventions they will be moved to a seat to regroup and correct behaviors. This is a seat in the classroom away from other students to help the student regroup, process with the adult, then rejoin the class. In the event that the student is unable to regroup in the classroom, the teacher will move the student to a seat in another teacher’s classroom to further help the student regroup.  When this happens, the student will need to complete a Lefler Think Sheet.  After completing a Think Sheet, the student will need to process with the teacher in that classroom and then they will be escorted back to their original classroom by our Student Support Technician, an administrator, or a counselor. They will process with that adult as well as their classroom teacher in order to be able to return to class.

Use of data to make decisions

Data-based decision making regarding a student’s response to an intervention is central to MTSS-B practices. Decisions are based on professional judgment informed directly by student office discipline referral data and out of class movements. This principle requires that ongoing data collection systems are utilized to engage in progress monitoring and that resulting data is used to make informed decisions regarding the implementation of behavioral interventions.