All students and staff will collaborate to learn, improve, and achieve through engagement, effort, and self-efficacy.

Building a community of learners for present and future success

In order to support students who would benefit from academic intervention, Lefler Middle School Community has developed a four tiered system to support students. Continuum of Academic Support for Student Success will help:

Tier 1

CLC Homework Zone – The CLC Homework Zone is available for all students on a voluntary basis.

Tier 2

Team Time – Team Time is assigned by teachers as reminder that completed assignments are an expectation of Lefler students and to provide a space and support to complete their work.

Tier 3

Achievement Zone – The Achievement Zone is assigned by Academic Interventionists and will provide support to help students become independent learners as well as evaluators of their own progress.

Tier 4

Referral to Administrator – if a student continues to struggle after Tiers 1-3, the Academic Interventionist will refer the student to his/her administrator for a parent meeting.

The bottom line is…“not doing work is not ok”

FAQ From Parents/Students About Team Time

Is Team Time a consequence?

Why would my child be assigned to Team Time?

How will I be notified if my child is assigned to Team Time?

What will happen if my child skips Team Time?

What are acceptable reasons to reschedule Team Time?

What are unacceptable reasons to reschedule Team Time?